

Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) is a social networking website that allows users to connect with friends, family, and collegues by sharing messages, photos, and videos. Headquartered in Menlo Park, California, Facebook engaged Facilitate to provide project management services for their first Australian office.

The new Sydney office offered an opportunity to provide Facebook with a significantly different workplace environment, given the floor space and the 6.5-meter ceiling. The project was extended to include the floor below where an interconnecting staircase was constructed and installed. Facilitate worked closely with the design team and client to bring Facebook’s global standards and contemporary vision into reality.

The Sydney Facebook space has adopted many of the principles from the Menlo Park headquarters. The space was at the forefront of cutting edge design and illustrated bringing in the vibrancy often associated with street art. The space also includes an extension to the tenancy via a green garden and outdoor balcony area that couples as informal meeting space for Facebook. The result is a spectacular, yet practical working environment with unique features such as polycarbonate walls, raw finished blocks, timber and concrete.

The project was built in a 6 week timeframe.

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  • Location: Sydney, Australia
  • Type of Project: Project Management
  • Sector: Tecnology

I am sure this project, given its complexities, was not an ideal one to execute but you all stood as a team and assisted us in creating a great workplace for our employees.

Captain Vikram Kumar
Real Estate, Projects & Facilities Asia Pacific

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